Account-Level Stoploss
The Account-Level Stoploss feature in Quantplay allows you to set a stop-loss limit at the account level, ensuring that your entire account is protected from significant market moves. This automated risk management tool helps safeguard your capital and maintain control over your trading activities.
Key Details
- The stop-loss value needs to be a negative number, ensuring that you define the maximum loss you’re willing to take.
- For trailing stop-loss, simply add a positive value to adjust your stop-loss as the market moves in your favor.
- Quantplay will automatically trigger the stop-loss and clear all open positions when the predefined limit is reached.
The Account-Level Stoploss feature in Quantplay provides an essential safeguard for traders, allowing you to set a protective stop-loss across your entire account. With automatic position clearing in 5-10 seconds, you can trade with peace of mind knowing that Quantplay will help manage your risk in case of unexpected market volatility.